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In We Build The Wall Case Shea Got 63 Months now Request to Stay out pending Appeal Denied

By Matthew Russell Lee, Patreon

SDNY COURTHOUSE, Oct 20 – The Southern District of New York courthouse, which Inner City Press has covered nearly alone this summer amid the COVID-19 pandemic, was jumping on August 20, 2022 Video here.  In the afternoon, Steve Bannon would appear in person before a judge. After pleading not guilty, he told the press as he left the courthouse, "This entire fiasco is to stop people who want to build the wall."

This came after more than two hours of chanting by three then six people with flags, pro-Bannon: "CCP violence, stop the killing." Inner City Press spoke with them, video here.

And see coverage of Guo case here, podcast here

 On August 31, 2020 U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York Judge Analisa Torres held a proceeding, and Inner City Press live tweeted it, below.

On June 7, 2021 Judge Torres declared a mistrial on all three counts. Inner City Press live tweeted it here and below.

In the re-trial, Shea was convicted. Then on November 3, this from the US: " on October 29, 2022—after the jury returned a verdict on October 28, 2022—one of the undersigned Assistant United States Attorneys (the “AUSA”) received a communication from an individual whom the Government has learned is the adult child of a juror (“Person-1”)" full letter on Patreon here.

After that filing, as noted with sadness by Inner City Press on November 17, Shea's lawyer in both trials John Maringolo died: "He was an spunky as ever during the Tim Shea re-trial, very folksy with the jury, and funny outside of the courtroom too. This is very unexpected and sad."

 Shea was appointed a new lawyer under the Criminal Justice Act: "ORDER as to Timothy Shea: The C.J.A. attorney assigned to receive cases on November 21, 2022, Thomas H. Nooter, is hereby ordered to assume representation of the defendant in the above captioned matter, nunc pro tunc November 21, 2022." 

On June 12, the US Attorney's Office admitted to an incorrect jury instruction (wire fraud conspiracy should not have been described as meeting the definition of specified unlawful activity). Nooter asked for delay to look into previous, he says, ineffective assistance of counsel. The new date in July 25.

On July 14, Judge Torres denied Shea's motions: "Defendant has waived any objection to the jury instructions because the parties jointly submitted a proposed jury charge before the first and second trials, see Gill, 674 F. App’x at 58, and Defendant did not object to the Court’s proposed jury charge at either trial. Having jointly proposed the erroneous jury instruction, which the Court adopted at both trials, Defendant has waived any challenge to it."

On July 25, 2023, TIm Shea was sentenced to 63 months. Inner City Press live tweeted, thread:

OK - now We Build the Wall sentencing of Tim Shea. Inner City Press covered the two trials

 Assistant US Attorney: Mr. Shea and his co-defendants raised money by fraud, for a political cause.  It victimized society. It harms our democracy. Everyone agrees Mr. Shea is less culpable than Mr. Kolfage or Mr. Badolato. But he does not accept responsibility

AUSA: They had a banner, selling merchandise, they claimed was for the wall. Mr. Shea asked if it was true and was told it was fine, it couldn't be proved. He said he just didn't want to go to jail. Now he claims he was some sort of whistleblower. He's not. AUSA: We request 63 months in prison for Mr. Shea.

Defense: My client is very religious. He volunteers to his church and his community.  Mr. Kolfage had indictments from Florida. Mr. Badolato has some other history, it was mostly redacted, so I don't know....

 Defense: I've submitted information under seal about problems his wife has.  [Now new defense lawyer criticize prior counsel's strategy - understandable, perhaps, to try to regain acceptance of responsibility credit, but... hmm. RIP]

Defense: For Mr. Shea this was a business opportunity. It would be like, today, trying to sell Barbie products. There's a lot of interest in it. And he even tried to build some wall. Don't read from text messages, from the outside. It got out of control.

 Defense: It was a mistake to backdate contracts, yes. Mr. Shea believes it wasn't the way the government said. I'm asking the Court to take substantial consideration of the man he is, to his family. He would not do this again.

Shea: I don't want to waste your time. My daughters are 14, my son is 17. My wife needs to work. I'm different now. I ask that you be lenient. Thank you.

Judge: The guidelines are 108 to 135 months; amendments not in effect would reduce it to 87 months.  They generated more than $20 million. They claimed they would donate it for a wall. They made representations. They set up shell companies. Mr. Shea kept $180,000

Judge: They used encrypted messaging applications. They removed from the website the promise that Mr. Kolfage would not be compensated. Two victim testified at trial. A man from Arizona said he donated $100, and he felt he cheated. A teacher from PA gave $50, same

Judge: His brother Michael says he has been loving and caring. His daughter says he was always there for her. His mother calls him a family man. He has taken responsibility for his actions to  a  certain  degree.

Judge: This Court has previously sentenced Mr. Kolfage to 51 months, and Mr. Badolato to 36 months. Both have medical problems that Mr. Shea doesn't. I sentence you Mr. Shea to 63 months in prison

 Judge: You have a right to appeal; notice would be due in 14 days.  Defense: We ask for surrender in 90 days. AUSA: The current standard is 45 days. Judge: The surrender date is October 23.

Defense: We'd like a prison in Colorado. Adjourned

On August 1, Shea applied for public funding for a lawyer not on the CJA panel: "LETTER MOTION addressed to Judge Analisa Torres from Clara Kalhous dated August 1, 2023 re: Concerning the Representation of Mr. Timothy Shea . Document filed by Timothy Shea. (Attachments: # (1) Proposed Order Enclosure - Proposed Order)(Kalhous, Clara)."

On October 10, before the October 23 surrender date, Shea's counsel wrote to Judge Torres asking her to extend his surrender date until after his appeal is completed. The principal issue raised is not questioning the juror who was "the parent of a law student who was being 'mentored' by a member of the prosecution team."

On October 16 the US Attorney's Office opposed Shea's request, saying none of the issues Shea has raised are substantial.

On October 20, Judge Torres denied Shea's request: "Shea's motion for bail pending appeal is DENIED. The Clerk of Court is directed to terminate the motion at ECF No. 417. (Signed by Judge Analisa Torres on 10/20/23)." Watch this site.

During the trial, Shea said he would call Kolfage, who pleaded guilty, as a witness. The US replied it would allocute Kolfage as to his Fifth Amendment privilege. The US letter says, "At the end of the trial day yesterday, defendant Timothy Shea confirmed on the record he intends to call co-defendant Brian Kolfage as a defense witness." US letter on Patreon here.

On April 26, after the AUSA trashed Kolfage for his web site(s), this: "KOLFAGE was sentenced to 51 months in prison, and BADOLATO was sentenced to 36 months in prison, for their respective roles in carrying out a scheme to defraud hundreds of thousands of donors in connection with an online crowdfunding campaign known as “We Build The Wall” by soliciting donations using false statements and then stealing the resulting donations."

Back on October 25, 2022 after a defense opening argument that again questioned venue or what we're calling "District-shopping," the US again put on the stand a witness from Synovus Bank. Inner City Press live tweeted  here:

OK - now in We Build the Wall re-trial of US v. Shea, US again puts on executive of Synovus Bank, which banked for WBTW and dealt with Kolfage. 

Assistant US Attorney asks: After you got the subpoena from the Southern District of NY, what did you do?

Billue: I told We Build the Wall. Then I read the warning about not disclosing the info.

Synovus' Billue:  Then I reached out to Synovus' legal department, 20 minutes after I spoke to Rich Kaye. "I full disclosed my error to the bank."

 A response back from the bank saying "No worries." [What did the Federal Reserve ever do about Synovus?]

The overall case is US v. Kolfage et al., 20-cr-412 (Torres).


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