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For Injury in PATH Station Mechanic Sued in 2017 Now After 2023 SDNY Trial He Loses

By Matthew Russell Lee, Patreon Maxwell book

SDNY COURTHOUSE, Jan 20 – Billy Acevedo was working as a mechanic repairman on the PATH train at its 9th Street and 6th Avenue station in Manhattan on October 13, 2017 when while manipulating a turn-style mechanism back in place, his injured his right rotator cuff.

   He sued. On January 18, 2023 the evidence in his trial came to a close, before U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York Judge Paul A. Crotty. Inner City Press was there.

    In the run-up to trial, Judge Crotty had granted PATH's motion to exclude evidence of a prior accident involving PATH employee Gregory Steiger, citing Lidie v. Cirrus Design Corp. 505 Fed. Appx. 72 (2d Cir. 2012).

  Judge Crotty let the jury go home after the evidence, and stayed for a charge conference. There would be closing arguments on the morning of January 19, and then deliberations.  

On January 19, the jury returned a verdict in favor of the defendant. Judge Crotty dismissed the jury and concluded the trial.

The case is Acevedo v. Port Authority Trans Hudson Corp., 20-cv-7938 (Crotty)


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