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34 Year Old Charged With Luring Teens to Have Sex & Sell Drugs Wants Trial Delay Cites MDC

by Matthew Russell Lee, Patreon Book Substack

SDNY COURTHOUSE, Sept 30 – The U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York prosecutors on July 10 announced the unsealing of an Indictment charging SHYMELL EPHRON, a/k/a “Shy,” with two counts of coercion and enticement of minors to engage in unlawful sexual activity and five drug-trafficking counts, including two counts of using a minor to distribute narcotics and two counts of distributing narcotics to a minor." 

  Inner City Press went to the presentment, the only media there. Thread:

AUSA: The 17-year-old was forcibly raped: the 15 year old was given Ecstasy. Federal Defender: We are asking for release on bail.  AUSA: The defendant is 34 years old. He invited another to come over, texting "Just got two b*tches." After the FBI found drugs in his apartment, he was already on location monitoring. 

Jane Doe 1's mother (by phone) We have endured trauma. Keep this criminal off the street.

Federal Defender: I have doubts about coercion. They went to a police precinct, then went back with the defendant. He has an apartment in Harlem, unlike many of our clients  

FD: He is ROR on the state cases. He didn't flee.  AUSA: He checks in with Probation in Times Square, which is where he found the 2 victims.

Judge Sarah Netburn: I cannot release you. Detained.

On August 30, the US Attorney's Office opposed Ephron's request for a 60 day extension of the motions deadline, noting that on August 6 it received recordings of the defendant's jail calls and immediately produced them to defense counsel and citing the public interest in the prompt resolution of criminal cases.

On September 4 Judge Garnett adjourned the deadline for defense motions six weeks to October 25, saying this is the best way to protect the rights of the defendant.

On September 30 Federal Defenders wrote in asking to delay the trial, citing getting Attorneys Possession Only discovery it had to go and stay in MDC to review with the defendant.

The case is US v. Ephron, 24-cr-418 (Garnett / Netburn)


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