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Yunseo Chung Wins Temporary Restraining Order Against Detention and Removal in SDNY

by Matthew Russell Lee, Patreon Book Substack

SDNY COURTHOUSE, March 25 – Yunseo Chung filed on March 24 seeking a temporary restraining order against detention and removal. At 3 pm on March 25 U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York Senior Judge Naomi Reice Buchwald held an emergency hearing. Inner City Press was there. Thread:

All rise!  Judge Buchwald: On the requested TRO, what is the government's position? 

Longtime SDNY / DOJ lawyer Jeffrey Oestericher : Our client does not consent. 

Judge: Take bail as an example: she's not a danger or a risk of flight. 

SDNY's Oestericher: This is not permissible under the INA 

Judge: I understand the Secretary of State signed a piece of paper. But I'd need briefing... The District Court doesn't usually deal with immigration. 

SDNY's Oestericher: I take your point but I am constrained, I cannot consent  Judge: I understand. I used to have your job… I'm prepared to sign the TRO, not preliminary injunction 

Oestericher: Give me a moment... Why is point 3 needed? 

Judge: No trips to Louisiana, as in that other case in this court [Mahmoud Khalil] 

Oestericher: We'll file by April 11. I'm constrained to lightly object.  Judge: Then they get two weeks, April 29. I have a non-jury trial starting then - so oral argument May 20 at 11 am.

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The case is Chung v. Trump, et al., 1:25-cv-2412 (Buchwald)


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