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Man Shown as Gunrunner from Arkansas Had Bail Reversed Now Co Defendant Pleads Guilty

By Matthew Russell Lee, Patreon

SDNY MAG COURT EXCLUSIVE, March 17 -  In the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York on December 8, 2022 a detention or bond proceeding was held by Magistrate Judge Valerie Figueredo on a man flown in on a detained from Arkansas, charged with transporting guns bought there by straw men (or straw people) and transporting them for sale and use in The Bronx.

Inner City Press was present, the only media in the Mag Court. Related Mag Court live-tweeted thread (more on Patreon here) vlog here

  The defendant was Adoudulaye Keita; his assigned CJA lawyer asked for release on bond to his father on Sheridan Avenue in The Bronx with his mother in Arkansas co-signing a bond.

  The Assistant US Attorney said that a recorded jail call caught Keita directing another to look into a co-defendant in the case, to see if they were cooperating.

But when Judge Figueredo asked if there was a transcript of the call, she was told there was an Excel spreadsheet of quotes from the call. That was never brought to the Magistrates Court.

 Perhaps, then, to District Judge Loretta A. Preska. When Keita was ordered released once the signatory condition are met, the AUSA said they will be appealing to Judge Preska.

And they did. On December 12, Judge Preska docketed this: "ORDER as to Aboudulaye Keita. The parties shall appear for a bail hearing on December 13, 2022.... (Signed by Judge Loretta A. Preska on 12/12/22)."

 Keita's lawyer said, again, the man on the bus is not the head man.

But Judge Preska cited the high speed car chase, and previously non-appearances. Keita was ordered remanded.

Jump cut to December 6, 2023 - in the overall case a superseding indictment was unsealed as to co-defendant Aboubacar Coulibaly, for Firearms Trafficking Conspiracy.

On May 8, 2024, Keita got 37 months with his father in the courtroom gallery, where Inner City Press was too: "Minute Entry for proceedings held before Judge Loretta A. Preska: Sentencing held on 5/8/2024 for Aboudulaye Keita (1) Count 1. Defendant Keita present with his attorneys Jenna Dabbs and Disha Verma. AUSA Jane Chong present. The defendant is sentenced to: 37 months followed by 3 years of supervised release." The recommendation is for BOP facility near Little Rock - specifically, Forest City

On December 4, 2024, a co-defendant plead guilty: "Change of Plea Hearing as to Aboubacar Coulibaly held on 12/4/2024. Plea entered by Aboubacar Coulibaly (5) Guilty as to Count 1. The agreement is acceptable to the Court. The defendant withdraws his previous plea of not guilty and enters a plea of guilty to Count One of the indictment. Sentencing scheduled for March 26, 2025 at 10:30 am

On March 3, counsel to co-defendant Hilliard wrote in stating she intends to plead guilty on March 19 and asks for payment for transportation under 18 USC 4285.

On March 12 counsel to Coulibaly wrote in asking for time served, or a sentence concurrent with his Arkansas state sentence, with sentencing set for March 26.

On March 17 co-defendant Hilliard pled guilty with sentencing set for June 24.

Inner City Press will continue to follow the case(s).

The case is US v. Keita, et al., 22-cr-435 (Preska / Figueredo)



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