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10 in Kidnap of Bronx Minor Case Asked for Co Defendant Meet US Asks 168 Months on Torres

by Matthew Russell Lee, Patreon Book Substack

SDNY COURTHOUSE, Feb 26 – Ten defendants are charged with conspiracy to kidnap a minor, following a robbery of a marijuana business in The Bronx.   On March 27 they appeared, most of them in custody, before U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York Chief Judge Laura Taylor Swain. Inner City Press was there. 

 The Assistant US Attorney said that some of the phones have yet to be "cracked" for purposes of discovery. A next conference was set for June 18 at 2:30 pm. 

 One defense lawyer said there is an interest in a co-defendants' meeting, but that he doubted MDC-Brooklyn would agree to host it. Chief Judge Swain asked the Marshals if it would be possible in the courthouse.

   By the proceeding's end, she was told that the Marshals could try to arrange it, if given advance notice. 

Jump cut to July 22, when counsel for co-defendant Jadel Araujo wrote in request a date in September for a change of plea before the District Judge. It was granted: "as to Jadel Araujo - A plea hearing is hereby scheduled to proceed in this case on September 4, 2024, at 11:30 A.M. DE 185 resolved. SO ORDERED."

On August 9 counsel to co-defendant Ortega filed motions for discovery, narrating that "she never laid a hand on the victim. Rather, she complained to the co-defendants who were assaulting him that they should stop, she asked one of the co-defendants to give water to the victim."

On November 19 a co-defendant pled guilty: " Change of Plea Hearing as to Joshua Torres held on 11/19/2024. Defendant Joshua Torres sworn. Defendant withdrew not guilty plea, waived reading of the Indictment and entered a plea of guilty as to Count One (1) of the Indictment. PSI ordered. Sentencing is scheduled for 3/4/2025 at 2:30pm for this case. Defendant continued remanded."

On December 6 for the December 18 sentencing of co-defendant Toribio, counsel asked for time served.

On January 14 on Araujo counsel wrote in asking for 80 months total in this and another case. Sentencing was set for January 28.

On January 23, the US Attorney's Office wrote in asking for 146 months.

On January 28, he got... 145 months: "Defendant is sentenced to 124 months of imprisonment as to Count One (1), to run consecutively with the sentence of 21 months of imprisonment imposed in U.S. v Araujo, 22 crim 539 (LTS), for a total of 145 months."

On February 11, co-defendant Randy Bautista entered a plea of guilty as to Count One of the S6 Information. PSI ordered. Sentencing was scheduled for June 24."

On February 26 the US Attorney's Office wrote in asking for 168 months on co-defendant Torres; sentencing is scheduled for March 4.

The case is  US v. Castillo, et al., 23-cr-279 (Swain)


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