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As Man Gets 18 Months MDC Race Riot of Feb 22 Injuring Jam Master Jay Murderer Detailed

by Matthew Russell Lee, Patreon Book Substack

SDNY EXCLUSIVE, March 5 – A defendant who previously served nine years in prison on drug charges was up for sentencing for violating supervised release by having distribution quantities of crack on March 5 before the judge has had his case in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York since 2011, Judge Richard J. Sullivan. Inner City Press was there. 

  Probation recommended eight months; the AUSA proposed 14. Judge Sullivan asked how that was enough, given that a 24 month sentence had been followed by this new charge.

   Defense counsel had annexed news articles about a "race riot" in the MDC on February 22 which resulted in the stabbing of Karl "Little D" Jordan, convicted of the murder of Jam Master Jay.

   Inner City Press learned in the proceeding, which it was the only media to cover, that February 22 "beef" was between African American and Latinos inmates, involving 22 detainees and leaving only Jordan still in the hospital. 

 Judge Sullivan, now on the Second Circuit, listened and took a five minute break. He returned to impose a sentence of 18 months - both the defendant and his parents thanked him.

   The case is USA v. Suarez, 1:11-cr-839 (Sullivan)


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