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De Vos Is Sued for Dubious Giacometti Table So Inspection in Manhattan Apartment then Paris

by Matthew Russell Lee, Patreon Book Substack

SDNY COURTHOUSE, Oct 7 – Roy Stillman bought what he was told was a table by Swiss sculptor Diego Giacometti from Jacques de Vos in 2004, for $190,000.   Then he came to believe the table was a counterfeit. He sent it to Paris to check. And then he sued.  

The case has a conference on October 7, 2024 before U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York Magistrate Judge Katharine H. Parker. Inner City Press was there, the only media - the only person - in the courtroom gallery. From the thread:

Plaintiff's lawyer: We're all ears if they want to talk settlement before we depose the seller. They are suggesting we created a substitute table - that's crazy

Judge: Is there as actual table by Giacometti?  Plaintiff's lawyer: Yes. But  this table was not genuine

Judge: How was this table used? Plaintiff's lawyer: As a foyer table in our client's Manhattan apartment.

Judge: Holding bowls of fruit or keys? (Laughter)

Plaintiff's lawyer: He was traveling internationally but he's back. We think the deposition should be here  

A status letter is due in 30 days.

The case is Stillman v. De Vos, et al., 23-cv-7802 (Cronan / Parker) 


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