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Citing McGonigal Discovery Is Sought From Ex FBI Rossini But 5th Asserted So In Camera

By Matthew Russell Lee, Patreon Maxwell book
BBC - Honduras - CIA Trial book - NY Mag

SDNY COURTHOUSE, Feb 13 – The indictment of ex-FBI agent Charles McGonigal in U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York was echoed on February 13 in a discovery teleconference in a proceeding for an order under 28 USC Sec. 1782 to conduct discovery. 

 At issue are documents as to which another former FBI agent, Mark Rossini, is asserted the Fifth Amendment privilege against self incrimination.

While he faces unrelated charges in the District of Puerto Rico, he resisted some deposition questions, and is withholding documents.  

  SDNY Magistrate Judge Robert W. Lehrburger asked pointedly if this assertion meant that anyone who did business with a Russian oligarch, here Oleg Deripaksa, could invoke the Fifth Amendment. Counsel for Rossini said maybe he got too far over his skis.

Judge Lehburger agreed - but also agreed to review the documents at issue in camera.

Rossini's lawyer said he has a trial in 60 Centre Street and can walk the documents over to Chambers. 

 The case also seeks discovery from Aviran Azari, who's guilty plea Inner City Press covered, as it will his upcoming (long delayed) sentencing. 

  This case is In Re: Application of Forensic News LLC and Scott Stedman, 22-mc-229 (Carter / Lehrburger) 


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