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In Business Email Scam with SDNY Trial Goran Gets Time Served $10000 Fine and Forfeiture

by Matthew Russell Lee, Patreon Book Substack

SDNY COURTHOUSE, March 21 – Julian Rebiga was charged in a four-defendant business email compromise conspiracy. Unlike his co-defendants he was detained.

   On May 30, 2023, U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York  Judge J. Paul Oetken held a bail review proceeding. Inner City Press was there, the only media in the courtroom. 

  Rebiga was in the jury box with two US Marshals.

His Federal Defender emphasized that the fake Canadian passport he was said to have tried to buy was in fact never bought.

But it was enough risk of flight to keep Rebiga bound over.

The other three defendants were give 60 days, and not the requested 90 days, to make motions.

On July 12, Rebiga's Federal Defender wrote to Judge Oetken that Rebiga fell in the MDC and was injured, not cared for, and should be released. [Note: on  July 11, Inner City Press reported a defendant's detailed allegations of corruption at the MDC, here]

In September 2023, the schedule was set: "Minute Entry for proceedings held before Judge J. Paul Oetken: Pretrial Conference as to Joel Zubaid, David Goran, Julian Rebiga, Martin Mizrahi held on 9/19/2023. Defendant Joel Zubaid present, defendant David Goran; defendant Julian Rebiga not present [Federal Defender] present; defendant Mizrahi present. Defendant Mizrahi's motion to dismiss is denied. Defendant Mizrahi's bail terms are modified to removed the condition that defendant continue or seek employment. Trial set for 2/14/2024, Final pretrial conference set for 2/1/2024 at 2:00 pm; motions in limine, proposed voir dire and jury charges due by 1/18/2024, with responses due by 1/25/2024"

On April 3, 2024, Rebiga through his Federal Defender asked for a sentence of time served, noting conditions in the MDC and that he will in all likelihood be deported.

On April 10, the US Attorney's Office wrote in requesting 37 months on Rebiga.

On April 17, Rebiga was sentenced to 24 months.

And in the trial of Martin Mizrahi, on March 4, 2024 "MARTIN MIZRAHI, a/k/a “Marty Mizrahi,” was convicted of wire fraud, bank fraud, money laundering, aggravated identity theft, and other offenses for his participation in multiple schemes to defraud banks and credit card companies of almost $8 million and to launder more than $4 million in fraud and illegal narcotics proceeds.  The verdict followed a 12-day trial before U.S. District Judge J. Paul Oetken."

On July 26, Mizrahi asked to be sentenced to the two year minimum, citing US v. Laurersen (2d Cir. 2003) and putting into the record handwritten FBI notes.

On August 27 the US Attorney's Office wrote in on Mizrahi, asking for 144 months - 12 years.

On September 10, Mizrahi got five years: "Minute Entry for proceedings held before Judge J. Paul Oetken: Sentencing held on 9/10/2024 for Martin Mizrahi (4) Count 1s,2s,3s,4s,5s,6s,7s. Defendant present with attorney Christopher Man, Richard Portale and Chad Mair; AUSA Benjamin Klein and Emily Deininger present; Court Reporter present. Sentencing held: Defendant is sentenced to 36 months on counts 1,2,3,4,5 and 7 to run concurrently with each other and 24 months on count 6 to run consecutive with all other counts for a total of 60 months. Defendant is to serve 2 years of supervised release on counts 1,2,3,4,5 and 7, and 1 year on count 6, all to run concurrently. Defendant is to pay a special assessment of $700.00, a fine of $50,000 and is to forfeit $4,545,704.00. Defendant is to surrender on December 2, 2024."

In mid March 2025, "Sentencing held on 3/17/2025 for David Goran. Defendant is sentenced to Time Served with 2 years of supervised release. Defendant is to pay a special assessment of $600; a fine of $10,000, and is to forfeit $10,000."

The case is US v. Zubaid, et al., 22-cr-650 (Oetken) 


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