Man Who Threatened
Woman With Gun Lost Bail Appeal
Pled Now Asks for Year and a Day
Matthew Russell Lee, Patreon Book
Oct 9 – A man charged with
brandishing a gun at a female
neighbor while "bugging out"
on PCP appealed his detention
on March 19 before U.S.
District Court for the
Southern District of New York
Judge Mary Kay Vyskocil. Inner
City Press was there,
initially the only civilian in
the courtroom.
Pankey's Federal Defender said
that he could live with his
sister; in writing, he cited
the recent US v. Chavez
decision condemning conditions
at the MDC Brooklyn
Assistant US Attorney
countered with the fact that
the gun had its serial number
rubbed off, and that the
victim had taken out an order
of protection.
Near the
end of the argument, three of
the defendant's relatives
including his mother came into
the courtroom. Judge Vyskocil
thanked them for coming, but
said that on grounds of
dangerousness he must continue
to be detained.
The mother asked
to speak, then conferred with
the Federal Defender.
Ultimately nothing was said,
except, at the end, "This
isn't fair."
On August 26,
Pankey pled guilty.
On October 9, his
Federal Defender wrote in
asking for a year and a day,
to allow for good time credit.
Sentencing is set for October
The case is
US v. Pankey, 24-cr-122
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