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Bankman-Fried in Palo Alto Wants Cell Phone Search Waived for Sealed List of Visitors

By Matthew Russell Lee, Patreon Substack

SDNY COURTHOUSE, July 13 – Sam Bankman-Fried of FTX was indicted in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York, leading to his arrest in the Bahamas on December 12, and extradition to the US on December 21.

On February 28, with Bankman-Fried free on bond, FTX's Nishad Singh pleaded guilty to six criminal charges. Inner City Press put the charging document on its DocumentCloud here.

On March 10, Judge Kaplan held a proceeding. Inner City Press was there and live tweeted, thread here.

On March 27, Bankman-Fried's lawyers filed a sealed version of conditions it said DOJ agreed to - adding that "the Government does not object to the sealing request." Full letter on Patreon here.

 On May 8, SBF's lawyers wrote in to Judge Kaplan, "Samuel Bankman-Fried hereby moves through his counsel as follows -" Full letter on Patreon here.

On July 1, Judge Kaplan set a motion schedule: "The Court appreciates the largely successful efforts of counsel to work out a mutually acceptable schedule, much of which is adopted in this order which in some respects modifies the agreement and, in addition, resolves points on which counsel were not in agreement. The following schedule is adopted. August 14, 2023 The Government shall provide notice to the defendant of evidence it may seek to offer pursuant to Federal Rule of Evidence 404(b)."

On July 13, SBF's lawyers sent Judge Kaplan a sealed list of people, not stating even the number of people, for whom the security guard requirement - to show not sharing phones with SBF - should to waived. They argue, as they did with the co-signers, that the list should be sealed. And they say the SDNY prosecutors agree.... Letter on Patreon here

The case is US v. Bankman-Fried, et al., 22-cr-673 (Kaplan)

More with analysis on Substack here


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