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In Menendez Trial Grewal Says He Worried of Angering an Ally of Governor Dick Codey Cited

by Matthew Russell Lee

SDNY COURTHOUSE, June 6 – Amid reports of investigation against Sen. Robert Menendez for taking gold bars, Inner City Press' sources on September 21 it to expect on Friday, September 22 an appearance in Federal court in Manhattan by Menendez and his wife Nadine Arslanian. This scoop was true.

Later a superseder was unveiled, including charges of bribes to act for Qatar...

On April 11, 2024 after Nadine Menendez and then the government asked for delay, to July or undefined, Judge Stein severed her case and reaffirmed May 6, Inner City Press thread

On Sunday night April 14 the US wrote in again asking for a delay to July, six page letter on Patreon here.

But Judge Stein told the parties to confer and report by April 16 at 1 pm. Then he set an April 17 conference, which Inner City Press live tweeted and dubbed "Berate-gate," thread

On May 13, jury selection began - but did not finish. Abit later, Menendez got into an car with FOP NJ plates.

On May 14 jury selection continued but was not yet completed, from the ending, thread

Late on May 14, the US Attorney's Office filed opposition to slides the defense wants to use in its opening arguments, including quotes from Colin Powell and MLK, and when Nadine came into possession of gold - full letter on Patreon here

Inner City Press live tweeted jury selection and then opening arguments here, then filmed Bob's exit (he said he thought it went well and that his guy did great).

On May 21, the US Attorney's Office put on Wael Hana's lawyer, then a US State Department official working on Congressional approval (or holds) on arms transfer to Egypt, thread here.

On May 23, with the trial in haitus, docketed was Menendez' lawyers opposition to quashing his subpoena for Jose Uribe's attorney proffer and communications with SDNY prosecutors, filing on Patreon here

On May 29, Inner City Press live tweeted, omitting Morton's steakhouse but including this

On May 30, Menendez's lawyer's (long) cross, including this.

On May 31, starting 1 pm, the agent was cross examined, and then USDA Ted McKinney on direct, thread

  After the trial day, Inner City Press filed Menendez' walk to his Jersey-plated car; asked why he called McKinney he said, Wait for the cross [examination].

Nadine Menendez hired a new lawyer, who previously represented Sydney Powell among others. Then this: "ORDER as to Nadine Menendez: At the request of the defendant and with the consent of the government [Doc. No. 434], the status conference is adjourned from June 10 to June 12 at 5 :00 p.m.(Signed by Judge Sidney H. Stein on 6/3/2024)."

On June 4 Judge Stein dockted a partially redacted Order in which he denied Menendez's request that the prosecutors give him impeachment material about a Confidential Human Source they are not going to call as a witness - but Menendez said he will.

On June 5, Inner City Press live tweeted - and afterward asked Menendez a question. Thread.

On June 6, after more cross of Agent Graves, Gurbir Grewal testified, thread:

Menendez' lawyer Fee: In your work on this chart, regarding Nadine's former boyfriend Doug Anton- Objection! Sustained. Fee: After the accident, Nadine's first call was not to Senator Menendez, correct? Agent Grade: It was not. Fee: Who is Gurbir Grewel? A: NJ AG. 

Menendez's lawyer Fee: Did you see anything about Senator Menendez called AG Grewel about a discriminatory prosecution- Objection! Sustained! Fee: Did you see why he called Grewel? Agent: I did not. Fee: Did Menendez contact judges? A: I need to look at the chart  Menendez's lawyer Fee: Did you see any messages in which Nadine told Senator Menendez about credit card problems? Agent: I do not recall

Judge: Meaning, you have no idea. Agent: Right. Fee: You agree in row 336 Hana asks Nadine for nail salon address? A: Can't say  Menendez' lawyer Fee: Here, Nadine tells Senator Menendez that an Uber is picking her up, not Mr. Hana's driver. She was lying, right? Judge: Sustained! Fee: Did you see Nadine asking Senator Menendez for financial assistance? Agent: I didn't see any specifics 

Menendez' lawyer Fee: I could take a break here, Your Honor. Judge Stein: How much longer do you have? Fee: An hour. Judge: Keep going. Fee: Do you remember payments at JPMorgan Chase by Nadine and why? A: I don't know.  Menendez's lawyer Fee: Do you see here Nadine telling Hana "my ex is not paying me"? Agent: I see that. Fee: Did you see Nadine trying to get Hana to hire her ex boyfriend Doug Anton? Agent: I don't recall.  Judge Stein: We'll break.

OK- now former NJ AG Gurbir Grewel, direct examination AUSA Richenthal: What did Senator Menendez ask you to do? Grewel: I asked him if it was about a pending criminal matter. He said yes. Judge: Was there any discussion of how Hispanics were treated? A: Yes  Grewel: I could tell you what I took him to mean Judge: No, just want he said. AUSA: Was he complaining? Grewel: Complaining. AUSA: How did he respond when you said you couldn't discuss it? Grewel: Calmly, he moved to small talk 

AUSA: Did you speak to the case prosecutors? Grewel: Never. I wanted to insulate them. I'm not going to circumvent the process. AUSA: What concern did you have if people learned that the senior senator raised a case to you? Grewel: I didn't want it to chill them  Judge: Move on. AUSA: No further questions. Judge: Cross examination. Menendez's lawyer Avi Weitzman: You were not a Federal employee at them time, right? Grewel: I was not.

Weitzman: Your office did not get funding from the US Senate, did it? Grewel: Not directly  Menendez's lawyer: Your Office had a duty to increase trust between immigrant communities and law enforcement, right? Grewel: Yes. Menendez's lawyer: Did Senator Menendez use the phrase "selective prosecution"? Grewel: I don't remember him using that phrase  Menendez's lawyer: You're a former federal prosecutor - in 2 districts, right? Grewel: I am... Judge: Let's break.

Cross examination continues. Menendez's lawyer: Do you recall telling the FBI you were not afraid of retribution from Senator Menendez? Grewel: I was not afraid of retribution. I just didn't want to be on the bad side of an ally of the governor. 

Menendez's lawyer: Didn't Dick Codey raise to you the case of Kevin Bannon, the basketball coach? Grewel: I told him I wouldn't hear about that. Menendez's lawyer: And he retaliated against you? Grewel: A law that I couldn't run for governor.  Menendez's lawyer: Fair to say Dick Codey didn't know your practice?

AUSA: Objection to when he knew. Judge: Sustained. Menendez's lawyer: You are aware Senator Menendez acted to protect LGTBQ youth? Grewel: I don't remember that  Menendez's lawyer: You reach out to Senator Menendez about your SEC position? Grewel: I reached out to elected officials to tell them I was moving Judge: Why, if you were a state official?

Grewel: I would be moving to DC Menendez' lawyer: No further questions  Re-direct AUSA Richenthal: About Dick Codey, do two wrongs make a right? Objection! Sustained. Day over

More on X for Subscribers here and Substack here

The case is US v. Menendez, et al., 23-cr-490 (Stein)

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