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Libya UN Staff IDed Corruption and Nepotism 2 Inner City Press 2d Wife to Get Job Now More

by Matthew Russell Lee, Patreon Book Substack

UN GATE, March 16 – How corrupt has the UN become under Antonio Guterres? Today's example takes off from the UNSMIL mission in Libya, sent to Inner City Press which Guterres and his Melissa Fleming ban from entering the UN to ask, while Spox Stephane Dujarric refuses written questions:

"We, UNSMIL National Staff, are writing to you to report the extreme corruption ...Mr.Mostafa is a P4 who got P5  in UNSMIL by grace of his girlfriend, CMS Huda Hannina, suspended since three years on full pay for abuse of power, fraud and harassment. He recently he married his Libyan secretary Sanam Khalil in Cairo, second wife, with the hope to get the Libyan visa back. Ms. Khalil has already secured her post and surely will be promoted National Professional.

Now, on March 16, 2025: Dear Matthew Russell Lee:      We are reading posts on your site concerning the case of CMS from the Libya mission.  The case is well known and it’s not so surprising that final action has not been taken, the SG protects his selections – you know, to show he’s right! But there is a bit more here,      A few years ago, there was constant manipulation of short lists for the most senior administrative posts in our field missions.  In all aspects of life, when individuals obtain something without the work or experience (given a freebie), there is a lack of appreciation and understanding of what they have been gifted. Often drunk with power and given real authority for the first time, abuse of office is enviable.        Like the CMS in Libya, waste and poor leadership is prevalent in Somalia, Lebanon, Haiti, Sudan, the RSCE and more, Honestly, the events that led to the CMS in Libya being in this position are not entirely of her making, she was set up and then targeted by the HQ who sought her post for another.   The staff who work for these leaders send thanks to the SG.

That's today's UN under Guterres: pure hypocrisy...We will have more on this - the UN bans the Press and refuses to answer questions


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