Whistleblowers Told Banned Inner
City Press of Irregularities Now
US Calls Out Brazil
By Matthew
Russell Lee, Exclusive, Patreon
UN GATE, March 3
– The International Civil
Aviation Organization (ICAO)
was repeatedly hacked with
funds missing and a murky
relationship with Royal Bank
of Canada (RBC) according to
ICAO whistleblowers who
contacted Inner City Press
even as it was banned
from the UN by UN Secretary
General Antonio Guterres and
provided it with leaked
documents, here
on Scribd and if any problem,
on Patreon here.
Previously, Inner City Press
would be able to get answers,
confirmations or denials,
inside the UN. But Guterres
believes that the UN system is
better served by roughing up
the investigative Press as it
covers his Budget, then having
his spokesman answer only one
-- the easiest one -- of the
five questions Inner City
Press has been submitted each
weekday it has been banned. So
now the documents,
and whistleblowers' accounts.
Jump cut to March
3, 2025 - Inner City Press is
still banned; the US State
Department says it "strongly
objects to a recommendation on
'sustainable' aviation fuels
made during the 13th triennial
meeting of the International
Civil Aviation Organization
(ICAO) Committee on Aviation
Environmental Protection
(CAEP). This
recommendation to the ICAO
Council on multi-cropping, the
practice of growing two or
more crops on the same land,
for sustainable aviation
fuels, would unfairly penalize
U.S. farmers and significantly
benefit Brazil over the rest
of the world." We'll have more
on this.
And this: “At
ICAO in the last two years
there have been at least nine
incidents of missing financial
transaction. There is one as
recent as 26 June 2018
involving RBC. Previous
incidents of missing funds
have been reported to Mr
Vincent Smith, Director of
Administration and Mr James
Wan, Deputy Director of
Administration. They have done
nothing to address this matter
other than install a security
camera over the entrance of
the Treasury Office.”
There has
been no audit, just as
Guterres has yet to even start
any audit of the China Energy
Fund Committee / Patrick Ho UN
bribery case. The UN is dying,
or being killed, quietly, and
with censorship. We'll have
more on this. And on this: the
UN on July 26 misleadingly put
the amount it is owed for its
regular budget at $810
million. The real number for
“Outstanding Regular Budget”
in the UN's internal Status of
Contributions website, as of
July 26, is $1,286,496,899.22,
Inner City Press can
exclusively report. See Status
of Contributions printout,
exclusive, here
on Scribd; if any problem, here via Patreon.
Inner City Press was banned
from the July 26 UN noon
briefing where Secretary
General Antonio Guterres'
spokesman Stephane Dujarric
made this claim, and so could
not ask questions. It
submitted five questions, only
one of which was partially
Inner City
Press has been banned from the
UN since July 3, when while it
was covering the UN Budget
Committee meeting as it has
for years its reporter was roughed
up by UN Security
Lieutenant Ronald E. Dobbins
and another officer the UN
still refuses to name.
front of UN Department of
Management official Christian
Saunders (previously embroiled
in a UN procurement scandal)
Inner City Press' reporter was
physically removed from the
UN. After filing a New York
City Police Department
criminal report on July 4,
Inner City Press was blocked
by UN Security from entering
the building on July 5, and
has been banned for 23 days
Guterres, who was informed
on June 25 that Lt Dobbins was
targeting Inner City Press
which has published a
similarly leaked UN document
calling into question his and
others' promotions in UN
Security, refused
on July 20 to answer why Inner
City Press is banned, and set
off on a two week vacation,
location undisclosed.
(Tellingly, insiders quoting
Guterres' letter but not the
actual numbers did not mention
he is on vacation.) Guterres declined
to speak to the Frontline
documentary on UN
peacekeepers' rapes that aired
on July 24.
UN Claims It's Owed $810M But Real
Number Is 1,286 Billion Inner City
Press Learns While Banned by Matthew
Russell Lee on Scribd
On July 13
as Inner City Press worked
outside the UN on the bus stop
bench on 45th Street and First
Avenue in front of the UN
Delegates Entrance it was
informed by a source that “the
US has stopped paying its dues
and Guterres is asking for 5%
cut all around” Being banned
from the building Inner City
Press has been trying to
confirm and expand on this,
being told by another source
that “I have heard that there
are important Member States
that have delayed payments
(US, Japan, Brazil, Mexico for
instance) and that evidently
do create a cash challenge.”
We'll have more on this - and
on Guterres' ongoing
Editorial [at] innercitypress.com
Past - and future? UN Office: S-303, UN, NY 10017 USA
Now: SDNY Press Room, 500
Pearl St, NY NY 10007
PO Box 130222 NY NY 10013
Reporter's mobile (and weekends):
Other, earlier Inner City Press are
listed here,
and some are available in the ProQuest
service, and now on Lexis-Nexis.
Copyright 2006-2025 Inner City
Press, Inc. To request reprint or other
permission, e-contact Editorial [at]
innercitypress.com for