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UN Staff Urge SG Guterres to Resign After Failures in Mali and on Ukraine and Gaza

by Matthew Russell Lee, Patreon Book Substack

UN GATE, March 12 –  How corrupt and decrepit has the UN system become under Antonio Guterres, in this case due to Guterres? Inner City Press, which Guterres has banned from "his" UN, has been sent a copy of this staff letter to the "SG Calling On Him To Resign" -

Dear Secretary-General,  We are a large group of UN staff members from different duty stations, and we ask you to take the bold decision to step down from your position and save the organization. 

The unprecedented financial crisis you generated for the United Nations is going to affect thousands of staff, whose salaries are supposed to be paid by both the regular budget of the UN and by extra-budgetary resources.

We consider this financial crisis to be the result of your continued and repeated failures in leading the UN. Major setbacks include multiple fiascos in the area of peace-keeping operations, which have been or will be thrown out of several countries, from Mali to DRC and Somalia, the irrelevant role played in major current conflicts, from Ukraine to the Middle East, and the collapse of your policies related to climate change, just to name a few. 

The only success you can boast is having infiltrated the United Nations, which is supposed to be at the service of Member States, with the DEI and woke ideologies, with the resulting transformation of the organisation into a sort of esoteric sect that is anti-member States, anti-religions, anti-family and anti-Semitic. 

Now it is time for you to take responsibility for your actions and simply resign, together with the Deputy Secretary-General, who has actively supported your ineffective policies and spent a lot of money organising, in luxurious resorts, unnecessary retreats to discuss women's leadership in the UN, while millions of children are starving. All Under-Secretary-Generals, Special Representatives and Assistant Secretary-Generals you appointed during your tenure should also just go. 

Your resignation, together with those of your senior officials, will allow Member States to rebuild the organization from the ashes left by your failed leadership and make the UN great again

Guterres had the critical Press roughed up and thrown out. There has been no due process since, not even a response to Guterres' Melissa Fleming to a pro bono inquiry for Inner City Press from the law firm Quinn Emanuel. We'll have more on this.


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