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Bianca Jagger Whitewashes UN Guterres Despite Sellout of Uighurs and Banning of Press

by Matthew Russell Lee, Patreon Book Substack

UN GATE, Dec 28 –  Bianca Jagger has lost her fastball. In a lengthy Daily Beast piece mostly about her own work throughout the decades, she declares Antonio Guterres her hero for a few canned quote he issued, finger as ever in the wind.

 But she ignores Guterres' silence on China's mass incarceration of the Uighurs, and outright complicity in Cameroon's Paul Biya's slaughter of the Anglophones. (In the worst time, Guterres went to Yaounde and accepted a golden statue from Biya, silent on mass killing in exchange for favors from Biya's Ambassador then chairing the UN Budget Committee.)  

Beyond that, there is Guterres' corruption and lack of transparency. He failed to disclose, when he came into the UNSG post, the money he took in 2016 from the Gulbenkian Foundation, which tried to sell its oil company to convicted bribery CEFC China Energy.  

And then, along with his chief censor Melissa Fleming, Guterres banned Inner City Press which asked about the Gulbenkian - CEFC connection, and complicity in Cameroon. Inner City Press remains banned from the UN, with no response by Fleming to two pro bono law firm letters seeking dialogue. 

Hero? Maybe Bianca Jagger is angling for the same UN Censorship Alliance (UNCA) award that Sharon Stone accepted earlier this month in a garish Casa Cipriani gala Guterres slipped into the backdoor of. Hero.

Watch this site - and the feed of the Free UN Coalition for Access, @FUNCA_info


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