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UN Volker Turk Collaborated in Banning Press Now Pontificates from Geneva

by Matthew Russell Lee, Patreon Book Substack

UN GATE, March 3 –  How corrupt and decrepit has the UN system become under Antonio Guterres, in this case due to Guterres? Today's example is from the Office of the High Commission for Human Rights, to which Guterres appointed his unqualified crony Volker Turk more than two years ago.

  On March 3 in Geneva, Turk pontificated that in today's US, "threats, notably against journalists, risk undermining the work of independent media." Volker Turk is a hypocrite.

Turk as a staffer on Guterres' 38th floor did nothing when his boss Guterres had the critical Press roughed up and thrown out. There has been no due process since, not even a response to Guterres' Melissa Fleming to a pro bono inquiry for Inner City Press from the law firm Quinn Emanuel. Some human righters.


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