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UN Human Rights Office of Turk Collaborated in Banning Press Now Pontificates from Geneva

by Matthew Russell Lee, Patreon Book Substack

UN GATE, March 3 –  How corrupt and decrepit has the UN system become under Antonio Guterres, in this case due to Guterres? Today's example is from the Office of the High Commission for Human Rights, to which Guterres appointed his unqualified crony Volker Turk more than two years ago.

  On March 3 in Geneva, Turk pontificated that in today's US, "threats, notably against journalists, risk undermining the work of independent media." Volker Turk is a hypocrite.

Turk as a staffer on Guterres' 38th floor did nothing when his boss Guterres had the critical Press roughed up and thrown out. There has been no due process since, not even a response to Guterres' Melissa Fleming to a pro bono inquiry for Inner City Press from the law firm Quinn Emanuel. Some human righters. Then this, to still banned Inner City Press, from whistleblowing staff:

Dear Matthew Russell Lee,  The situation in the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights has become the worst in decades as Volker Turk starts the second half of his four years mandate. Turk was handpicked by SG Antonio Guterres amidst mistrust by member states and human rights activists. Many were concerned about Turk’s reputation as a HQ bureaucrat without relevant experience.

 Some of us believed his initial calls for a change in OHCHR to make it more operational. But after more than 2 years the hope is gone. Most of the changes have been in Geneva, including the creation of a very expensive analytic hub that is not needed or an Investigation branch not approved by member states- currently headed by a D1 without approval from the 5th Committee.  Turk spent millions in the flamboyant celebration of the 75th anniversary of the Universal Declaration. There was little return from those 5 to 7 million, no transparency and accountability. OHCHR ends Turk’s half term with over 40 million gap and few prospects to recover (especially after his hostile display against Elon Musk and Donald Trump). 

The plans are to use OHCHR financial reserves for which there was a precedent years ago, under Navi Pillay, which concluded with dozens of contracts being cut. It is alarming that the staff in the Special Procedures branch will be merged with those of the thematic division (TESPREDD).  We are resisting this. 

This is only a way to mask up the financial gap and to use earmarked funds for special procedures to fund thematic work trying to fool donors.   Worse, there is a climate of fear for reprisals. Those of us who have voiced concerns have been singled out. Turk does not manage. He delegates to the mighty deputy Nada Al Nashif, totally ruthless.

And in the untouchable head of administration Kim Taylor. Kim Taylor has been for  8 years head of Human Resources, position which she used to hire her cronies and her boyfriend. Kim Taylor’s performance has been a constant concern by the staff in OCHA and OHCHR. A long term P5 she applied for the post of head of administration 3 years ago but failed as she lied in her PHP (she also lied in her testimony to UNDT in the case against whistleblower Emma Reilly).

  No answers from Guterres' Melissa Fleming (including to formal pro bono letters from the firms of Quinn Emanuel and Duane Morris) nor daily from UN "Spokesperson" Stephane Dujarric. Keep the info coming


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