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Libya UN Staff ID Corruption at UNSMIL Villa and Tunis in Leaks Sent to Inner City Press

by Matthew Russell Lee, Patreon Book Substack

UN GATE, March 4 – How corrupt has the UN become under Antonio Guterres? Today's example is again from the UNSMIL mission in Libya, sent to Inner City Press which Guterres and his Melissa Fleming ban from entering the UN to ask, while Spox Stephane Dujarric refuses written questions. Now we are asking about this, highlighted to us by a whistleblower:

... Former CMS, Ms. Huda Hannina D1  is still on special leave with full pay despite a positive OIOS investigation  for fraud and abuse of authority, plus two fact findings positives for abuse of power and authority on us.  UNSMIL CDU delayed submissions to OHRM and put everything under the carpet to delay the implementation of sanctions and did not restore the dignity and the rights of the abused Colleagues. 

Even suspended for years, the FORMER CMS Hannina is still in Tunis, with a UN provided visa and she is still using the UN villa in Tripoli, computer, badge and UN phone with UN SIM cards, paid by the UN. Not with her money.  The person in charge in the Engineering Unit, Mr. Fharad, from UNV then TJO FS6 got a fixed post as FS5 as reward for his illicit activities for free accommodations, getting into the roster and bypassing female colleagues and downsized staff from other Missions. He provided single villas, half price to his CMS and her friends.    Where is accountability?


Dear Mr. Lee, We would like to thank you for the support you are giving to all of us in exposing corruption and evil management in the UN. In UNSMIL we have a very difficult life due to the above and no rights. Our reports to OIOS remain without follow up and even actions to be taken by the Mission and NY. If we talk, they fire us. Thanks again

That's today's UN under Guterres: pure hypocrisy...We will have more on this - the UN bans the Press and refuses to answer questions


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